Friday, May 29, 2009
The Budget!!!
We have come a long way from the words of Davy Crockett and his concern for recklessly using the tax-payers money. I fear it will be too late by the time the people awake from their long sleep of prosperity. Watch and let me know what you think.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Rebecca Motte - Revolutionary War Woman
Rebecca Brewton (Motte) was born on the 28th of June, 1738. She later married Jacob Motte in 1758, she was the mother of six children with only three living to maturity. Her husband had died in the early beginnings of the Revolutionary War leaving her a widow. This great woman lived in a beautiful mansion on the south side of the Congree River in South Carolina.
Monday, May 4, 2009
A Tea Party
Samuel Adams was the Boston patriot who led the resistance to the Tea Act. In 1772, Samuel Adams suggested that political leaders in Boston form a twenty-one member Committee of Correspondence to help get the word out to other communities how the British actions threatened American liberties. One example of their efforts occurred when Great Britain blockaded the Boston Harbor in 1774 with the intention of starving the colonists into submission. The communities quickly spread the word and soon wagon-loads of food and supplies were rolling into Boston to help its citizens. Little did his Majesty understand that he was uniting the people even more to become ever stronger.
About 100 Bostonians disguised as Mohawk Indians, went to the Wharf and raided three British ships docked in Boston Harbor, dumping their cargoes of 342 chests of tea overboard, so as to avoid paying the tea tax.
"We, the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow men who pervert the Constitution." Abraham Lincoln
"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered." Thomas Jefferson
Information taken from: The American Heritage Junior Library Books
Saturday, May 2, 2009
"I have not yet begun to fight!"
On April 22nd, 1778, Captain John Paul Jones boldly sailed his ship, the Ranger, right into the harbor at Whitehaven, England, and set fire to the assembled shipping. He then landed his men, seized the battlements, and spiked the guns (drove iron spikes into the holes where the fuses were placed for setting off the cannon) so they would no longer fire.Later that year, Jones went to France to bargain for a large vessel to add to the American fleet, and old Indiaman, the Duc de Duras. But what a vessel! She was about twelve years old, condemned because the rot had penetrated her planks. Jones took her over forthwith.
"We will name you the Bonhomme Richard," said Jones, in honor of his friend, Benjamin Franklin, the author of 'Poor Richard's Almanac', (Bonhomme Richard was the French translation of "Poor Richard").
The great, converted hulk put out of L'Orient on August 9th, 1779. With her went the American ships, Alliance, Pallas, Cerf, and Vengeance.
Early in the afternoon of September 23rd, off Falmborough Head on the east coast of England, Jones sighted a large fleet of British merchant ships, escorted by the Countess of Scarborough, 20-guns, and by H.M.S. Serapis, a brand new frigate of 44-guns, under Captain Richard Pearson. Jones ordered his ships to the attack. The Vengeance went after the merchant ships, one at a time. The Pallas engaged the Scarborough. While Captain Jones went straight for the Serapis, well aware that he was badly outgunned.Both ships fired a broadside. On the Bonhomme Richard, this was disastrous. Two of her old 18-pounders promptly exploded, killing the gun crews and blowing out the deck above. Now the deadly new guns of the Serapis raked the rotten hull of the American ship from stem to stern, killing entire gun crews and putting the guns out of action one by one.
With his guns useless and the ship threatening to sink beneath him, the only hope Jones had was to engage in hand-to-hand battle. But his ship was clumsier than the Britisher. He had to try a trick. As the Serapis started to come about to rake the Richard with another broadside, Jones cleverly filled his sails as though to try to escape. Then he abruptly turned into the wind, luffed, and caught his opponent off guard. The two ships came together with a mighty crash, bow to stern, stern to bow.
"Heave grapnels!" shouted Jones, and within seconds the ships were firmly locked.
Information from: The American Heritage Junior Library Books
Another great read to go with this subject is: Carry on Mr. Bowditch by Jean Lee Latham
Friday, May 1, 2009
"Sir," said the officer, one Gustavus Conynghan, "you will pardon me, but I am taking over your ship."
When the British officer stomped out on deck to reprimand his officers for permitting this intrusion, he was struck dumb with astonishment. For an American ship, the 10-gun Surprise, had lived up to her name by coming alongside in the heart of enemy waters and overpowering the British ship without firing a shot (Hurray for those crazy, sneeky Americans).
In December 1775, Captain Biddle took command of the 14-gun brig Andrew Doria and joined the fleet commanded by Esek Hopkins in the expedition against New Providence.
One of the finest American ships was the frigate Randolph, 32-guns and later commanded by the 27 year old Nicholas Biddle. On February 12th, 1778, Biddle set sail out of Charleston with four vessels of the South Carolina navy: General Moultrie, Notre Dame, Polly, and Fair American. Heading into the West Indies, Biddle encountered a formidable enemy off Barbados, the strong, 64-gun ship-of-war Yarmouth.
Of the valiant crew of 315 officers and men, only four survived. Commodore Biddle was one of the casualties.
Nicholas Biddle to his brother, Charles, 16 June 1776
Take What You Need
Esek Hopkins was born in Rhode Island on the 26th of April, 1718. As a young man he began a career at sea, captaining merchant vessels and, during the French and Indian War, he was a successful privateer. Hopkins had sailed to nearly every quarter of the earth before the Revolutionary War.
In mid-February 1776, Commodore Hopkins sailed from Philadelphia, the Chesapeake Bay, along the southern coast and off Rhode Island. Realizing that enemy strength was too great to permit execution of this ambitious task, Hopkins instead undertook what would be the Navy's first amphibious offensive. On the 3rd of March, his squadron put a landing party ashore Nassau, in the Bahamas. Marines and sailors landed in "a bold stroke, worthy of an older and better trained service," capturing munitions desperately needed in the War of Independence. The American fleet returned home with more than 85 artillery pieces and a great deal of valuable gunpowder.
On the 4th of April, 1776, while en route home, the Continental ships encountered and captured two small British warships.
John Hancock, President of the Continental Congress, wrote Hopkins: "I beg leave to congratulate you on the success of your Expedition. Your account of the spirit and bravery shown by the men affords them [Congress] the greatest satisfaction . . . "
Esek Hopkins then brought his fleet into home waters and began a successful foray against enemy ships along the east coast. Later in a battle with the British Glasgow, Hopkins came under critical fire for his undertaking with the 20-gun Glasgow and her escape. Several months later was dismissed as the only man ever to hold the title "Commander in Chief of the Fleet."
Esek Hopkins retained his local popularity and served the Rhode Island legislature. He continued to serve the Rhode Island General Assembly through 1786, then retired to his farm where he died the 26th of February 1802.
I would like to see this story in the headlines today. Of course there is no need for us to go and take munitions from anyone else we make our own now -- or wait a minute! China here we come. . . . . !